Mar 2024

Financial Planning for NHS Professionals Seminar

Our team hosted interactive education sessions for healthcare professionals covering all things NHS pensions and financial planning.

Financial Planning for NHS Professionals Seminar

A huge thank you to all who came along to the Financial Planning for NHS Professionals sessions, held in April 2024 at The Suttie Centre, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.

The topics we covered included:

  • The NHS pension and what the recent changes mean for you
  • The McCloud Judgement
  • Annual and Lifetime Allowance
  • Retirement Planning
  • Demystifying some common misconceptions.

It was great to meet you all, and we hope you found the insights and discussions valuable.

Quote from one of our attendees:

"I really enjoyed your presentation. As I am planning on retiring at the end of the year, it reassured me I was doing the correct thing and I was doing all that was required."

Stay tuned for future sessions!

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